Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs
There is a lot of information out there about carbohydrates. Are they good, are they bad, should I carb load, eat low carb, eat carbs at all? The questions are endless, and the answers can be contradictory depending on which diet lifestyle someone chooses.
Not all carbohydrates are created equal hence the good carb, bad carb. Let’s compare the two.
Complex (good) Carbs
Characteristics of Good Carbs
Digest Slowly, give you prolonged energy, high fiber, feel full longer, natural sugar, low insulin levels, carbs used for energy, low glycemic, helps with weight loss.
Good Carbs
Rice - Specifically brown and wild rice which are all left in their natural state, retaining necessary minerals and fiber for healthy digestion.
Whole Grains - Oats, barley and quinoa are high in fiber, potassium, magnesium and selenium.
Leafy Greens - Kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, beet greens, sprouts, all are rich in micronutrients.
Starchy Vegetables - Carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and pumpkin.
Nuts and Seeds - Almonds, walnuts, cashews, flaxseeds, hemp and pumpkin seeds are all good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Legumes - Beans and peas, great sources of fiber, folate, iron and potassium.
Simple (bad) Carbs
Characteristics of Bad Carbs
Digest fast, short energy, low fiber, feel hungry sooner, added sugar, spike in blood sugar, carbs stored in fat cells, high glycemic, contributes to weight gain.
Bad Carbs
Fruit Products - Sweetened fruit juice, fruit leather, sweetened yogurt, jams.
Grains & Grain Products - White rice, refined flour, white bread, breakfast cereal, couscous pasta, baked goods (such as donuts, cakes, muffins and sweets), corn syrup, cream of wheat.
Coated Nuts & Seeds - Honey roasted nuts, nuts coated with sugar or candy, sweetened nut butter.
Dairy Products - Ice cream, sweetened yogurt, creams.
Snacks - Potato chips, french fries, pretzels, corn chips, popcorn candy cookies, rice cakes, granola bars, candies and chocolates.
Carbohydrates in their natural, fiber-rich form are generally healthy and do not induce weight gain as opposed to processed and refined carbs. Make wise carbohydrate choices by prioritizing vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. These will make you feel your best.
Remember what Michael Pollan said: