If someone had told me 5 years ago that I would be the mother to a garden with fresh vegetables, I would have told them I can’t even keep a house plant alive for more than a week, you want me to care for a whole garden! And that would have been true.
But today I am the proud Mom to a 21 x 23-foot garden filled with colorful veggies, fresh herbs, and a strawberry patch. Which is proof that even if you are known to have a brown thumb like me, it is possible and fun to grow your own fruitful, plentiful garden that will make you proud.
Theresa’s Garden 2020
Pretty impressive right? You know what they say go big or go home. I am not going to lie this was not easy, and I certainly did not do it alone. It was truly a family project that my husband and kids took on with me for Mother’s Day.
We researched the best vegetables to grow in our area, companion plants, organic fertilizers, and lots more. It has been continual learning, a work in progress, and a labor of love.
Why Grow a Garden? For me it was a variety of reasons:
· Convenience of having fresh veggies out my back door to create delicious recipes
· Saving money on groceries
· Reducing stress
· But the biggest reason for me is the fact that I know exactly what was put into growing my food and where it came from.
As a culinary nutritionist my goal is to create delicious meals using the freshest, cleanest, whole ingredients available. My backyard garden has been able to produce just that.
I am proud of the harvest produced from my first garden. There were lots of successes and couple not so successes as I would not consider them failures but lessons for next time. And I think I can finally turn in my brown thumb for green one!
I look forward to sharing delicious recipes with you all using my homegrown ingredients in next months blog. Until then remember this…
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” —Jim Rohn