Since February is Heart Health month it is the perfect time to think about, reevaluate, and adjust daily routines to promote a healthy heart.
When considering diet and heart health here are few tips to think about when making daily food choices:
Heathly Fats
Choose foods with less saturated fat, and more healthy fats such as food high in omega 3’s, like salmon.
Choose Fiber
Pick high fiber foods. Getting enough fiber is associated with lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation. Oats is a good choice.
Low Sodium
Limit the daily amount of sodium. The recommended guideline is less than 2,000 milligrams per day to prevent or treat hypertension and reduce risk of stroke, and cardiovascular disease.
Soy Protein
Add Soy Protein to your weekly meal plan, such as edamame, or tofu. Soy protein has been associated with lowering cholesterol levels.