February is a short month but there are no doubt days that seem to just drag and drag, and so does the winter, especially when it is cold and snowy. If you enjoy the cold weather and indulge in winter sports good for you! It can be invigorating being out in the cold air, not to mention keeping active helps keep your mind and body in tip top shape. But what if your activity level at this time of year tends to be more sedentary like curling up by the fire binge watching TV shows and movies, well then winter really drags, not mention can be down right depressing. Would you believe certain foods are linked to turning around those winter blues to happier days?
Left side: Average experienced eating happiness (colour intensity: darker colours indicate greater happiness) and consumption frequency (size of the cycle) for the 14 food categories. Right side: Absolute share of the 14 food categories in total experienced eating happiness. Click for Source
Foods that Promote Happiness
I believe many of us are feeling anxious more than ever these days, not to mention experiencing bouts of depression. Feeling this way can lead to lack of sleep, motivation, and sadness to name a few. Here are some food choices that may help turn that frown upside down.
Here are some food choices that contain the essential nutrients to fuel the brain and help to create a healthy gut. They maybe just what you need to turn that frown upside down.
Oats - will give your brain more tryptophan, which can increase happiness, and omega-3 fatty acids, which acts as a good antidepressant.
Wild Fish – high in omega 3s which is good for brain health.
Berries - Berries are rich in disease-fighting anthocyanins, which may lower your risk of
Chocolate - Dark chocolate is rich in compounds that may increase feel-good chemicals in your brain.
That is right, I said chocolate. Chocolate has many benefits, but you need to be sure you pick the correct chocolate. The darker the better. Rule of thumb pick a chocolate with 70% or more Cacao to obtain the health benefits chocolate has to offer. See more about Cacao.
These are just a handful of foods that promote happiness. Want to obtain a better understanding of the connection between these foods and more, plus how they impact happiness click here.